Technology Accessibility

Skidmore strives to ensure that all students and employees have equal access to participate in and benefit from college services and activities provided through electronic and information technology (EIT).

What exactly is EIT accessibility? One way to think about it is as a way to allow everyone, including but not limited to those with a disability, equal access to digital information. There are many types of disabilities that might make certain content more difficult to consume, and not everyone with a disability is comfortable disclosing that information to the college. As such, it is our responsibility to consider how accessible the content we create on the college website, in theSpring, and elsewhere, is to those who will be attempting to access it. To that aim, this page covers the resources available to those wanting to ensure the digital content they create is fully accessible, as well as those seeking resources to improve their access to information.

Accessibility logo.
Computer user looking at screen.

How do screen readers work?

Screen readers were developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse. There are a number of screen reading applications that are freely available, including those built-in to Mac and Windows computers, VoiceOver and Narrator, respectively. NV Access also offers a free open-source screen reader that can be downloaded for Windows. These tools provide speech and Braille output for the most popular computer applications, allowing users to navigate the Internet, write a document, read an email and create presentations.

Get Accessibility Help

Accessible Instructional Materials

Learn how to make your digital course content more accessible to students.

Website Accessibility

Find tools for checking the accessibility of your websites and tips for making them more accessible.

Student Resources

A variety of resources are readily available for student use that might provide easier access to learning materials.

Related Information

Articles and Policies of Interest

The Section 508 Refresh and What It Means for Higher Education – Find out the implications of the most recently updated requirements for information and communication technology (ICT), which went into effect January 18, 2018. (EDUCAUSE Review, Martin LaGrow, 2017)

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)


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