Lecture Capture

Lecture capture is an encompassing term describing any technology

that allows instructors to record what happens in their classrooms

and make it available digitally. The term is used to describe a wide

array of software, system capabilities, and hardware options. (ELI, 2008)

Please note: as of Fall ’22 semester, Ensemble has become Panopto. Ensemble is no longer available. All videos previously in Ensemble have been transferred to Panopto. Please scroll down the page see Panopto overview section and tutorials below.

LEDS regularly consults with faculty, students and staff to plan for successful desktop and lecture capture using different desktop computer capture approaches for diverse needs. We are available to assist community members with the creation of digital content in order to reach the appropriate audience during or outside class that uses multimedia that can be distributed on any webage such as theSpring, WordPress and College pages where recordings can be shared with the intended audience(s) in a public or selectively private setting.

Why is Lecture Capture important?

Students can re-visit difficult concepts at their own pace they may not have fully understood the first time presented


Allow more time for interactions and activities that let students practice, demonstrate and apply their knowledge in-class while learning from each other


Allows non-native speakers of English to re-watch, look up and clarify any misunderstood content covered in class


Students also can use the software to practice presentation delivery and interviewing skills for feedback and coaching


Using recording software installed on a Mac or Windows computer, the desktop capture approach involves the use of a webcam and/or mic to record oneself at the classroom podium with or without screen sharing enabled. The recording application may come with lightweight-editing software and double as the hosting platform and server where the video recordings are stored and accessed. LEDs recommends Panopto which can be installed on any computer at the College. Other desktop capture applications available include Screenflow and Captivate which are available in the Learning Lab in Library 222. Additionally, Zoom can be used to capture a presentation along with one’s voice and/or video. More information about finding the best tool for your scenario may be found here.

* This said, we will recommend the use of Panopto because the College has a site license, it is fully integrated securely with Skidmore user credentials, and LEDS has expertise with the application to provide comprehensive instruction and support for community member needs. *



Panopto recently acquired Ensemble and is the College’s licensed and supported platform allowing Skidmore community member to create and edit video and screencast and audio recordings at no additional personal or departmental cost. Following the merger, any content that resided in Ensemble was transferred to Panopto. Panopto is both a media storage database and a video capture creation tool. has many more features than Ensemble but it does require some training to utilize its more advanced features. The Panopto Recorder is similar to Ensemble Amara but with a much nicer user experience.

Be it Power Point or Keynote presentations, visual storytelling and guided tutorials, Panopto will capture any application and web page displayed on your computer screen along with audio and optional video camera feed such as a built-in computer webcam. Panopto turns your desktop computer and tablet into a mini self-service production studio that perfect for a office, seminar room or classroom. It is both a production and distribution platform that converts your multimedia creation to web streamable media for your intended public or private audience.

If you use theSpring, Panopto can be launched from within your Brightspace course and made available to students immediately after class or at a later time if you choose to use its lightweight editor to trim, chop and/or add a customisable introduction or credit slide at the end of your recording. Anthem also has an app that lets you use your smartphone to record and upload your video from anywhere.

Most podium computers are not equipped with a camera or mic because it is nearly impossible to secure them. Media Services has a limited supply of loaner webcams available or you may purchase your own. We recommend the use of a Logitech C190 series webcam which comes with a built-in mic.

All faculty have access to Panopto. LEDS highly recommends you consult with us prior for a brief training in order to set you up with the highest degree of success and be fully knowledgable of the software’s possibilities including making interactive video quizzes. For staff and students, please contact LEDS for an account to be created.



Panopto Creator Training [Recording]

Panopto Editor Training [Recording]

How Do I Access My Migrated Ensemble Videos on Skidmore’s Panopto?

How Do I Add My Panopto Videos to theSpring?

How Can I Get My Zoom Cloud Recordings to Automatically Transfer to Panopto?

Panopto Tutorials

Tripod-Mounted Video Camera Capture

This approach uses a more traditional live performance setup where a camera is positioned on a tripod at the rear of the classroom and presenters wear a lapel mic to capture audio. Depending on the scope of the project and frequency of recording, this can be a much higher-stakes and resource-intensive approach and set up than desktop capture. Careful planning involving staff support may be required to implement the appropriate conditions to create a high quality video. Software such as iMovie, Screenflow and Adobe Premiere are especially well suited for editing. The final cut is then uploaded to a streaming video server such as Ensemble.

What Faculty Are Saying

I use Panopto primarily as a tool for the BI107 Intro Bio course. My students are very appreciative of the recordings. They are more free to think and ask questions during lecture knowing that they can go back and review the recording at their leisure. It is also very helpful for students who miss class owing to illness.¬† Students particularly like the synchronization features of slides to topics I cover and the ability to quickly move to a particular topic at any point in the lecture. It is a valuable resource and I believe it has positively impacted my student‚Äôs learning. This year, I am making the BI107 recordings from last semester available to my BI242 students this semester who might need a refresher on things I‚Äôm assuming they actually learned… I think it will be a good resource for them. They have a link to the BI107 course materials from the BI242 Blackboard site. I also use iClickers as a means to determine their preparation for lectures (did they do the reading and understand the terms assigned) and to take attendance. Both have been effective tools as judged by student feedback.


Pat Hilleren

Professor of Biology

What Students Are Saying

“I can pause the recording at any time in order to take notes if it goes too fast – or speed the recording up if the professor speaks slowly. Listening to the lecture a second time helps me condense my notes and eliminate the parts of the lecture which I already understand.”


Anonymous Student


Find us on the second floor of the library: Library 222


M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Feel free to swing by during our normal office hours or schedule an appointment

